5 reasons why I chose Quebec
Maybe you're looking for your next travel destination, maybe you're planning your year abroad or maybe you're just curious. Whatever the reason for your interest, have a read of my 5 reasons for choosing Quebec.
My first coffee in Quebec! In Cafe Sat, Montreal |
1. It's a challenge.
After seeing that French-speaking Canada was one of the options for the British Council language assistants programme, it grabbed my attention because it sounded like a challenge. I therefore decided to carry out some research and it confirmed that Quebec was exactly the opportunity I was looking for; a unique environment to push myself, to grow and to learn.
2. Its history.
When researching Canada, I became particularly interested in the growing demands for political autonomy in Quebec after World War II. This desire to be independent from the rest of the country is also what interests me in places like Corsica.
3. The presence of two languages within one country.
I'm fascinated by this unique area where French has survived despite the francophone population being a minority in Canada and I think that my thirst for such an environment comes from myself being bilingual and growing up with two languages and cultures simultaneously. This is not to say that I'm seeking a bilingual environment, as it is important to note that French is the only language spoken in the rural areas of Quebec. Very commonly people assume that everyone there also speaks English but this isn't the case!
I can't wait to explore first-hand Quebec’s fascinating relationship with the rest of Canada.
4. Quebecois French.
I think that the fact that Canadian French is different to French spoken in France is exciting and exposure to various accents is an essential part of the language learning process.
5. The weather.
Moreover, I'm eager to tackle the challenging climate. I've heard that there can be up to 6 metres of snow in the winter and temperatures can drop to -30 degrees C. Let's get the scarves, hats and gloves on!
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