Week 4 & 5: Francisation classes and maple syrup dumplings

This is a quick update about what I've been up to over the last two weeks. As always, it's been super busy. If you read the caption on my last post, you'll know that I went to watch an ice-hockey game on Friday two weeks ago which was pretty good fun but very dramatic. Someone's hockey stick broke in half, there were at least 3 arguments between the players on pitch and in one it got a bit physical and one of the players nearly pulled the other one's jersey off...if you're interested there are many documentaries about fighting in ice-hockey; it's a pretty interesting topic of debate here.
This is Yubé!

On the Friday, I also bought myself a new book. It's called 'Stalkeuses' and it was in the Quebecois literature section. It consists of 16 short stories and I'd class them as thrillers. I haven't finished it yet but when I do, I'll do a review blog post.

Two weeks ago, on the Saturday, the two language assistants from Rivere du Loup (by the way the name of this town can be literally translated as 'River of the wolf' which is pretty cool) came to visit me and stayed round. On the Sunday, my housemate took us all to a waterfall spot.

My salmon pie before it went in the oven
On Tuesday last week, I met the Mexican language assistant for the first time and all 4 of us signed up for francisation classes (free French classes we get with our work permits).  I had my first class on Monday and it was pretty good fun. I learnt that there are different types of snow in Quebec and the names for these in French which are:

  • poudrerie (powdery snow)
  • blizzard
  • neige fondante (it melts)
  • slush/ gadoue
A hint of autumn
Last week on Friday, I came home to find a husky outside my front door with one of my housemate's friends! The husky is called Yubé and is 6 months old. Adorable! We took him to the same waterfall spot that I mentioned I visited on Sunday. 

Lovely weather last Sunday!
I also did a bit of cooking and baking last week. I made a salmon pie and some maple syrup brownies. Cooking has never been a passion of mine and one of the teachers I work with very kindly offered to teach me some of her favourite recipes. My first lesson was yesterday and I joined her and her family for dinner. She has 3 sons; the youngest is 4 and the oldest is 9. They were all teaching me French and telling me things they like to do in the winter. We made dessert together, it was a Quebecois dish called Grands-Pères (Maple Syrup Dumplings) which was very, very delicious and the smell of the cooking maple syrup was amazing! 


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